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  • Shayna Norwood
    14 years, 9 months ago


    I need to print a 3″ thick band of color for a client.  In the pastI’ve only printed with set type or polymer plates and I’m not sure thebest way to acheive the most even color….

    1st —- I was wondering the best way to get an even solid band ofcolor.  Is it a linoleum block? Or is there another method that wouldbe best.

    If it IS a linoleum block.  

    Where can I get one from?
    How do I make sure it’s type high?
    Is it something I can just get from dick blick?  And then mount on a base?

    Are there some that are higher quality? Easier to carve?

    What else do I need to know about printing with one?

    Please let me know!

    Caren Florance
    14 years, 3 months ago

    I know this is a late response to your query, but I hope it helps you or anyone else.Yes, lino is a good way to print solid areas of colour. I also use type-high blocks of wood that I get my local hardware to cut to shape for me. It’s hard to get things to exactly type-high, so best practice is to make sure they’re slightly under and then pack them up with boxboard or paper or anything even and to size.With lino you’re always going to need packing, and if you want to use lino regularly, then you’d be best off measuring the thickness of the lino and then getting a baseboard made from MDF that is the difference between the lino thickness and type high. That way you can set up the board and stick on the lino, just like with polymer plate.I hope that helps. Lino is great because it’s relatively cheap, prints fabulously, and you can carve all sorts of designs on it without needing to process it photographically like polymer plate.

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