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  • Kaisa Nichols-Russell
    3 years, 5 months ago

    The Artist’s Book Grant is a six- to eight-week residency for artists to produce a limited edition book work. Working intensively in our studios, artists print and bind their own books, and are encouraged to create an edition size no larger than 100 and no smaller than 50.

    The grant includes a stipend of $350/week, up to $750 for materials, up to $250 for travel within the Continental US, free onsite housing, and 24/7 studio access. WSW can provide technical advice; training on new equipment, techniques, and materials; and production assistance.

    The contract stipulates that 20% of the edition goes to WSW’s archive, exhibition, and display copies; 20% of the edition goes to the artist; and 60% of the edition goes to general sales. WSW has developed a series of archive and exhibition opportunities for our artists’ books, and artists can collaborate with WSW on marketing for a 50% commission fee.

    WSW’s artists’ books are held in over 200 collections world-wide, and in nine repositories that have the majority of our collection: Indiana University (Bloomington), Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Delaware, Vassar College, Virginia Commonwealth University, Yale University, University of Michigan, The Library of Congress, and Bucknell University.

    An outside jury of artists and curators choose the grant recipients.

    Key details:

    Deadline*: November 15
    Notification date: via email by March 1
    Residency length: 6-8 weeks
    Residency occurs: 10-19 months after application, September through June

    *The digital portion of the application must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on November 15. The structural dummy must be postmarked no later than November 15.

    Application must include:

    A current resume
    A brief description of your proposed project, including the media required. 200 word maximum.
    WSW’s materials budget form: use Google Sheets or download as an Excel doc or PDF
    Up to ten images of recent work (digital specifications here)
    An image script, which should include title, medium, dimension, and date of each image
    A physical, structural dummy of your proposed book to demonstrate how it will be bound or function when handled. This mock-up does not have to be a finished piece, but it should represent the book’s actual size and include at least 1-2 fully realized spreads.
    The shipping form, which must be included in the mock-up mailing, so that we can match application materials, and determine return shipping procedures with each artist. Make sure that you download the PDF and open it locally on your computer. Changes will not be saved if you edit in your browser.
    The first five items must be uploaded to the Submittable portal, and the last two must be mailed to WSW at the following address.

    Please mail to:
    Artist’s Book Application
    Women’s Studio Workshop
    PO Box 489
    Rosendale, NY 12472

    To Apply:

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