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  • Alyssa Ingham
    7 years ago

    Hello Letterpress community!

    My husband and I are currently restoring a Chandler & Price letterpress we acquired from a guy who ran a die-cutting factory in the middle of nowhere, Texas. The poor thing hasn’t been taken care of and we were given what was thought to be the corresponding ink disk with it.

    While trying to put it together, we’ve realized we might have been given the wrong disk as it seems to be too large at the base of it where it attaches to the mainframe of the machine. It looks like its only 1/2 an inch. off though from where the screws should land. (see photos)

    Our research so far – the machine is a Chandler & Price with the serial number C63839 – circa 1922. It was rebuilt at a Brantjen & Kluge factory at some point. The platen size is 10×15.

    Does anyone have a similar press and could suggest what kind of disk we need? If anyone could point us in the right direction with this, we would greatly appreciate it!

    Alyssa Ingham
    7 years ago

    Didn’t realize I couldn’t post pics! The disk reads “1207 1/2 I” if that is of help.

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