11 years, 2 months ago
Hi —
I don’t know if this is completely crazy…but I own a Golding Jobber #6 and have put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into restoring it over the past few years. As of the past year or so, it’s been sitting in my parents garage in Frederick, MD because I haven’t had the time and I don’t have the space in my current home to give it a proper studio space and don’t have the money to rent an additional space to house it. I can’t come to terms with selling it, but I’d love to see it help someone out that has the space and time to use it/maintain it/treat it like it’s their own. Is there anyone that might be interested in borrowing this press indefinitely?
I don’t expect any money or anything for it…like I said, I’d just like to see it used as an actual printing press (and not a diecutting press or anything like that) and maintained properly. Bonus if you’d either allow me access to it from time to time to print on it…or would be willing to do some printing for me (nothing major, business cards here and there…perhaps some greeting cards once in a blue moon).
Anyways, the press is in Frederick, MD…I currently live in York, PA, but commute to Baltimore for work…so ideally anyone in those general areas would be ideal. If you’re interested, get in touch with me and we can chat further. (Oh! And I’d be happy to assist in moving the press, but I’d ask that you provide the transportation/trailer/some manpower to get it to your location.)
11 years, 2 months agoHi Kristina,i’m interested but i come from far far far away.. so let me know if you change your mind ;)Have a nice day.Marion
11 years, 2 months agoI live in Virginia, unfortunately. I don’t even live in NoVa. If I lived closer, I would be so excited to borrow your press! I’d happily make room for such a thing in my workshop; it would be good friends with my Pilot and my Showcard, I’m sure. Alas, I’m not close enough!
11 years, 2 months agoHi Kristina,
My name is Leigh and Letterpress is completely new to me. I am feeling an obsession beginning to grown and am excited to learn more. I do think you may be a bit “crazy” but, in a kind, caring “kind of way” to let go of your press 🙂 I don’t live especially close to you, but this may be something worth the journey. Is it possible for you to send pics of the press? Some specs, weight, size, etc. and I would love to see anything you printed on it.
Space is not an issue for me, and your press would find a good home with me, I also would be happy to do some projects for you in return for your generosity.
11 years, 1 month agoGood morning are you still looking for a home for the GoldingThank you Tonya
11 years, 1 month agokristina my address is 4750-a clifton road temple hills maryland 20748 we have a lot of room the name of the business createdc we do all you ask for and more. Please call me if your interested 202-436-4432
11 years, 1 month agoHi Kristina!
If you haven’t found anyone yet, we’re located in the Harrisburg area and would love, love, love to be on a long term loan with your Jobber. We have a Golding Pearl that we currently utilize, so they would be like cousins in our shop 🙂 While the Pearl is awesome and we love it to death (mostly because of the hours and hours of work we did to get it up and running!), the chase is fairly small and a second press would be amazing.
If you haven’t found the perfect home, send me a message at info@26press.com.
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