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  • Allie Peach
    13 years, 7 months ago

    Ok, please don’t yell at me. I’m already ready to shoot myself for doing this…

    I printed something RIGHT before leaving for vacation last Thursday and completely forgot to clean my press before I left! AHHH! I came home from vacation only to realize that black ink (that has dryer in it) had been sitting on the platen and the rollers the whole week.


    What do I do??? Somebody please help!

    Samantha Urbanick
    13 years, 7 months ago

    Ah, I did that once. Cleaned the rollers, forgot the disc. It’s okay! We’re human. Your press forgives you.


    I clean the rollers and disc on my Pilot with Crisco, believe it or not. Get a big hunk of it (1/4 cup?) and rub it into the ink with a cloth until it loosens up. It’s going to take a while, but it should work. Once the ink is loosened, Mineral Spirits work really for the final step to get all the ink off.


    When this happened to me, there were a few small patches that I could not budge from the disc. I used (with great hesitation) steel wool to get them off. Shockingly, it did not scratch the disc at all and got the ink right off. I used a light hand though, and would NOT recommend using it for large areas.


    Good luck!



    Allie Peach
    13 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you so much, Samantha! You are a saint.

    I’m going to try the Crisco!



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