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  • Kathryn Hunter
    16 years ago

    I know there are many printers out there that have printed on blank coasters. So, my question is what is typically the “standard” or most used size/shape? what weight?-light, medium, or heavy? Or what do you lady printers out there recommend? I have the source for 3.5″ or 4″ square or round blank coasters. Thank you thank you! 🙂 (wasn’t sure what was the right category to put this under…….)

    Kseniya Thomas
    16 years ago

    Those are the sizes I use–from American Coaster, right? I’ve also die-cut the 4″ square ones to 2.5″ and 3″ circles. The thickest ones seem to crack under all but the largest plates, so next round, I’m ordering medium . . .

    Kathryn Hunter
    16 years ago

    thanks, that’s exactly what the info I needed!

    15 years, 11 months ago

    I just printed on coasters for the first time last week, which I ordered from Amer. Coaster. I have the thickest weight and luckily they printed fine, but I was also warned that they could crack. Think I’ll get the medium weight next time.

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