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  • Kathryn Hunter
    15 years, 5 months ago

    hi ladies,i am about to bind a series of 5 books using the stab technique for a local client and I’m stumped on how to price it out. Anybody have experience with this? Charge by the hour? By the job? My head is so stuck in business card and invitation pricing, i’m finding it humorous that I’m not sure how to begin the cost analysis. anybody have suggestions? thank you thank you!kathryn

    kelly mcmahon
    15 years, 5 months ago

    I haven’t found a really satisfactory way to do this, but I definitely price out materials, and then usually do a substantial first book charge (say $200 for something really complicated, or with lots of gluing + sewing) then step it down for each book thereafter (say $75) since you’ve already worked out the kinks.Good luck!Kelly

    Allison Chapman
    15 years, 5 months ago

    I do something similar to Kelly. I have an initial “research and development” or “prototype” fee that is hourly. There is usually a little back and forth with the client about how many hours we can agree on due to the complexity of the project.Then, a per piece cost is determined and production wishes -Allison

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