14 years, 4 months ago
What is the best way to cut parent sheets down to press sheets if I don’t have access to a paper cutter? I was thinking of taking it to Kelly Paper (in Seattle) but they charge $10. The other idea I had was to go to Kinko’s but they charge $1.50 per cut, and I don’t know if I trust them enough to do it properly.
I am trying my best to keep my cost down but it’s starting to look like it would be more cost effective to buy 8.5×11 sheets and just have a ton more waste. (which I am hoping to avoid)
Any advice would be super appreciated!
14 years, 4 months agoHi Adina!I think that you would save money in the long run (in paper waste alone) by paying the $10 to get the parent sheets cut down by Kelly Paper. Due to past experience, I would absolutely say do not take it to Kinko’s! Generally, they are not familiar with Lettra or any papers commonly used in letterpress printing. It’s best to take your precious paper to someone who you can trust with it!Do you have any plans to purchase a paper cutter in the future? I have a used Challenge that was very reasonably priced. It paid for itself in convenience alone, almost immediately.
14 years, 4 months agoThank you for the quick response!I do not have any immediate plans for purchasing a paper cutter. First on my list of equipment is going to be my very own press so I wont have to rent time at another studio :)I think I will just have to up my quantities enough to make the $10 worth while. (Those $10 fees are going to add up quickly!)
14 years, 4 months agoDoes Kelly charge $10 per cut?
14 years, 4 months agoThey charge $10 per size. So for example if you are having your paper cut to A6 and A2 then it would be $20.As an update, I decided to go to Kelly Paper to get my paper cut. They were super nice and actually only charged me for 2 of the 3 cuts they did. 🙂
14 years agothanks Rachel!
14 years agoWhere are you located? Maybe you can hook up with another printer in your area like I do…they do the cutting and you can deliver some cookies! Good Luck.
9 years, 5 months agoQuestion: I bought a fancy paper cutter (kind with the wheel/crank to tighten it and a sort of bridge over), but it only has an opening of something like 18″. Sheets come in sizes like 28×20 or other sizes that won’t fit into the paper cutter. What do people do in these situations? Taking it to someone else seems to defeat the purpose of having bought this heavy duty. On the other hand, I’m worried about cutting it down myself with a straight edge and self-healing mat because I just don’t think I can get it perfectly square…
I’ve read lots of forums about cutting paper and I am still very anxious about this part of the process. I have a degree in architecture and cutting models (similar kind of paper, museum board) was always a giant pain in the butt.
9 years, 4 months agoAny handheld cutting device, if utility knife or rotary Blade eventually gives you a wavy cut.
Find a large rotary trimmer,gives you a precise cut and with time you become efficient.
A large Board cutter or Guillotine is an investment.
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