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  • Debbie Karnes
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I bought a 100+ year old printer’s type cabinet (Hamilton Manufacturing) that came out of a print shop. It was bought new for that print shop and was used there until it closed. And, it was used hard.  It has X-acto blade cuts, ink, nicks out of the wood, etc.  Someone even cut off the corner of the cabinet, obviously it was at a corner where people were slamming into it.  It’s oak. 20 drawers, full of type. There’s a debate in my house as to whether stripping and refinishing it will ruin it’s value if we were to resell it at some point. Appreciate any feedback and recommendations.  While I’m not interested in selling it, I would be interested in knowing what you might think it’s value might be. (Also a discussion within my house). 🙂



    Jen Starshaped
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I say go for it! We either refinish or paint most of our type banks to clean them up and give the studio a cohesive look. Many printers do, and rehabbed ones will still have the same value, if not more. And honestly, type cases are a dime a dozen so you might as well do it!


    Amelia Fontanel
    11 years, 7 months ago

    I totally agree with Jen! Sometimes you find the most beautiful wood underneath all those coats of grime and paint. We have several that have turned out to be cherry and look gorgeous when refinished. I think a cohesive natural look (rather than industrial avocado green!) has better value anyway if you were to resell.

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