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  • Erin Fae
    11 years, 3 months ago

    Hi there:

    Wondering what people’s opinion of wetting Crane Lettra is…… 

    Do you do it? Every time? Spray bottle and towel?


    Kseniya Thomas
    11 years, 3 months ago

    Not dumb! I dampen Lettra sometimes to help with ink saturation–a damp sheet will require less ink and the solids will be more so. All I do is get a giant bag, spray inside it with water, and then spray every second or third sheet with water on both sides as I stack them in the bag. Then I seal up the bag, and put something heavy on top of the stack so that the water is encouraged to migrate through the stack. I let this sit overnight, and the next morning the sheets should be uniformly wet and cool–not soggy–to the touch. I’ve never had a problem with them curling when they dry, but you might let the printed stack dry under a weight too.

    davina farinola
    11 years, 1 month ago

    I have never tried! Perhaps I should…

    Nancy Hill
    11 years, 1 month ago

    We did it exactly like Kseniya (although in AZ where it is sooo dry – we put the bag in the refrigerator) – we printed a line of cards with large solids…worked perfectly.

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