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  • Abigail Steinem
    13 years, 8 months ago

    Hello everyone!


    Have I mentioned how much I love this site? It’s one big happy community! The time has come for me to look for a new creative home. I’m specifically looking at Seattle, Washington, but would not turn down conversations from other studios looking to hire.


    I’m extremely passionate about letterpress printing and on top of that, I’m a graphic designer, so I understand all sides of the client/design/printing process that we all follow on a daily basis. I’m tireless when it comes to working a job and pretty much don’t give up until a job is done. I’m all for the client, their needs, and creating something that both me and the client can stand back and say, “Dang! That looks mighty fine!” I’ve been working for an international company where I have focused on bringing products to market, so I understand expanding to larger markets and getting the word out about your studio! You might call me multi-faceted.


    I have a sparkling personality, which I like to bring to any situation. I laugh, a lot, but never at anyone. I believe that a work environment can be productive as well as personally enriching and fun. 


    Please contact me if I sound like I might be a good addition to your studio. I’d love to talk more!


    Have a lovely day!

    Abigail Steinem



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