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  • Tia Blassingame
    7 years, 5 months ago

    Scripps College Press invites you to this fall’s Frederic W. Goudy Lecture and Workshop in Book Arts at Scripps College in Claremont, California.

    Goudy LECTURE

    Radha Pandey: Striking a Balance: traditional craft in contemporary practice
    Thursday, September 28, 2017
    Boone Recital Hall (in the Scripps College Performing Arts Center, 241 East 10th Street Claremont, CA)  

    The Goudy Lecture is free and open to the public

    Radha Pandey will discuss how she incorporates her interest in paper and print history into her current work. The talk will cover her research in the field of papermaking, her artist bookwork as well as trying to find a balance between research, environment, history, art and aesthetics.


    Radha Pandey is a papermaker and letterpress printer. She earned her MFA in Book Arts from the University of Iowa Center for the Book where she studied letterpress printing, bookbinding, and papermaking with a focus on Western, Eastern and Islamic papermaking techniques.

    In 2012-14 she traveled to investigate Islamic world papermaking techniques in India, and has since undertaken her own research on the essential tools of Islamic papermaking. Her artist?s books are held in numerous public collections in the United States and abroad. Currently, Radha is working on an artist book that explores the perception of the colour white.

    Goudy WORKSHOP

    Islamic-World Papermaking with Radha Pandey
    Saturday, September 30, 2017
    10:00AM to 4:00 PM
    Scripps College Press 
    Cost: $100 (reservation instructions below) includes materials
    Limited to 8 participants

    Radha Pandey will introduce participants to the history and practice of Islamic papermaking using natural fibers and authentic tools. Participants will have an opportunity to experiment and create a limited number of sheets as time allows. All experience levels, including beginner, are welcome.

    To confirm workshop registration, mail $100 check made payable to “Scripps College Press” by September 20 to Scripps College Press, 1030 Columbia Avenue #2025, Claremont, CA 91711. Be sure to include your full name, mailing address, phone number and email address with your registration payment.

    For additional information, contact Professor Tia Blassingame, Director of the Scripps College Press at You can follow Press activities and events by visiting and the Scripps College Press Facebook page. 

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