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  • Lesley Lang
    14 years, 5 months ago

    Ok, I have been doing this printing thing for a long time and I have never done a craft show till now and I have some questions.

    1) Does anyone have suggestions on how much one should take to a show. I have greeting cards and stationery along with journals and a few more things. I have a full table but how much extra should I take if any?

    2) What kind of payments do you take other then cash? Does anyone take checks and if you do have you gotten burned? How hard is it to take CC’s at a show?

    I want to thank everyone ahead of time that helps me with suggestions!

    Thanks, Lesley

    Kristin Loganbill
    14 years, 5 months ago

    Hi there-1) It is really hard to gauge how much to take- because you never know what people will want to buy, and that can change from show to show, or day to day (at a longer show).-Definitely take back stock, but don’t make yourself crazy by second-guessing what people will want.How about this- take a bin full of extras, and make sure you get enough sleep the night before (instead of worrying that you don’t have enough)! Also you can have pictures of sold-out items and see if you can take orders for them.2) I just take cash and checks- I have never gotten a bad check in years of doing shows and selling wholesale (knock on wood). I used to take credit cards, but have stopped because they are expensive and are a pain (and it sounds like you are only selling smaller dollar items, not $3000 prints- right?).At one show I actually let someone pay me later on paypal (because she didn’t have any form of payment with her). I don’t know that I would recommend that for everyone, but if you get a good sense of someone it can be the exception.I hope that’s helpful to you- Good luck at your show!Kristin

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