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  • Jess Snow
    10 months, 3 weeks ago

    I’m helping to find a new home for this 10 x 15 Chandler and Price. $500 OBO. Must be picked up in Houston, TX by May 12.

    I am not the owner, but I have operated and tuned up this press over the years and can confirm it runs and prints well. I last printed on it summer of 2023. This press has newish rollers and Delrin trucks from Advanced Roller. Treadle was purchased for $500 a couple years ago, but press has a Horton (?) clutch and could be converted to back motorized operation. I believe there are two chases that come with this press.

    Ashley Barado
    2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hi, Jess! Is this still available?

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