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  • Mihaela Hinayon
    12 years, 6 months ago


    I signed up to Ladies of Letterpress a few months back and have been reading all your helpful posts. I wanted to get your opinion if getting a Vandercook 1 is worht it for someone that prints mainly greeting cards and letter sized prints.

    I currently rent shop time to use a Vandercook No. 4 which I understand is more advanced and is self-inking compared to the No. 1. However, I have a friend giving away his Vandercook No. 1 that has been in his barn for 10 years. I figured I could restore it (haven’t seen it yet) and use that to print instead.

    I have heard that it isn’t good for printing detailed lines though and I wanted to hear from people who have the No. 1 and their experiences using it.

    Thanks a lot and I hope to hear from you.

    Shayna Norwood
    12 years, 6 months ago

    make sure you get new rollers!!

    use the right amount of packing and a roller gage.  Once you start printing you’ll figure out the quirks and trouble shoot from there. 

    Ursula Jaroszewicz
    12 years, 6 months ago

    I agree – especially since you’re getting the press, and if that would keep the press from further deteriorating sitting in a barn. If you have a maintenance person in your region, you can get the whole thing looked over, adjusted, etc

    Mihaela Hinayon
    12 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks a lot for people who responded!

    Unfortunately the print shop I was working with declined to take the press since they already have a Vandercook No. 4 and didn’t think it was worth it. I am only starting out and don’t have the equipment to maintain it so I opted not to get the press after all.

    I appreciate your comments though, thank you!

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