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  • Sara Maltzman
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Hi, i’m a new member of Ladies and glad to be here! I just bought a Challenge 1425-E cylinder proofing press; my only prior press experience was on an Asbern (and minimal). My first challenge with the Challenge is that bed is galley high and I was told I need a piece of 50/1000 sheet metal cut to proper dimensions to bring bed up to type high. but I’m not sure what the dimensions should be. “official” dimensions are Bed Size: 14 1/2 x 25 in,
    Form Size: 13 1/2 x 25 in. When I measure full length of bed (beyond the 2 posts on each end), I get 19 5/8″; if I measure length from inside the posts, it’s 19″; bed width is 15″. Anyone have experience with this? Or running this type of press at all? I’ve looked online for videos of someone running this press and haven’t found any. Thanks for any advice you can offer!!

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