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  • Elizabeth McGowan Busteed
    11 years, 8 months ago

    Hello ladies (and men) – I am new to the business and trying to set up a job sheet so as to collect all the info in one place (quantity, # of colors, dimensions, client contact, etc) and stay organized. I’ve got one started but, as I’m mainly the designer and my husband is the printer, I’m sure I’m missing some key info that he would need. I’m guessing this is a pretty common practice in letterpress shops but I’m not finding examples online (maybe I’m not calling it the right name?). Would anyone be willing to share their sheet with a newbie? Thanks and I apologize if this is listed somewhere else on the site – please direct me if it is!

    Liz Busteed

    Green Turtle Press — NH

     attachments can be sent to

    Elizabeth McGowan Busteed
    11 years, 8 months ago

    I forgot to add I’ll be keeping track of all the billing, invoices, purchase orders, etc using Quickbooks, this is just something to help collect data in one place for job pricing and also for my old-fashioned husband to have on hand when he’s actually doing the printing out in the shop.

    Elizabeth McGowan Busteed
    11 years, 8 months ago

    quick and dirty sample of what i’ve got so far attached, suggestions/advice needed!

    Michael Seitz
    11 years, 8 months ago

    In most production shops, a sheet such as this would be printed on an envelope, so there’s a handy place to keep samples, art, revisions, proofs and whatever other stuff winds needing to be with the job for future reference.  Mine are printed on 6 x 9 inch envelopes, and while needing to have a few revisions (customer info), here is a sample of the layout.

    Job Ticket JPG–Flickr

    Michael Seitz

    Quality Letterpress Printing

    Missoula MT

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