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  • Andru Bemis
    10 years ago

    ‘Allo, friends!

    I have a Kelsey 5×8 in need of a home. I’ve upgraded to an 6×10, and don’t need the 5×8 anymore. It’s in fantastic shape (I’ve used it regularly for the past four years), and has new Ramco rubber rollers (as of last year). Here’s the deal … I learn’t to print on this press, someone gave it to me for free and I’m not looking to profit from it. I just want to know it will be used and appreciated.

    If you’re willing to pick it up in Southwest Michigan, and can pay $200 (so I can find/build a chase for my new 8×10 and get new rollers for my leetle Chicago #11 press), the 5×8 is yours! I know I could sell it on ebay for a pile of money, but I prefer to find someone here who’s been thinking about a great starter press or upgrade, but mebbe couldn’t afford it.

    Lemme know if you’re interested. I can send pics ‘n such. I’ll be traveling much of the next week, so hang in there if you don’t hear from me.


    ps … I also have a very old Kelsey 6×10 for parts or rebuild. Pick it up and it’s yours.

    Andru Bemis
    10 years ago

    …. oops, a typo! I’m looking for a chase for my Kelsey “6×10,” just in case anyone on this forum has one hanging around 🙂

    Arie Koelewyn
    10 years ago

    I may have an interested student here East Lansing.

    Andru Bemis
    10 years ago

    That would be great! Have them contact me here if they want it, or if they have questions.

    Megan Fuller
    10 years ago

    If that falls through, I am teaching at a local arts center and we would be more than interested. We have no beginner presses right now!

    Andru Bemis
    9 years, 12 months ago

    I’m back from my trip. Arie or Megan, do you still want the Kelsey? It’s here, and is itchin’ to be printin’ again! I live in South Haven, Mich. If you’re interested, let me know, and we can make arrangements.

    Sara Love
    9 years, 11 months ago

    I’m looking for a starter press and would love to have your Kelsey! No problem picking it up.

    Hope it’s still available.

    Andru Bemis
    9 years, 11 months ago

    You got it, Sara! Send me an email ( or text (269) 767-8235, and let me know when you’d like to pick up the press. I check the phone and computer a couple times a day, so don’t worry if you don’t hear back immediately.

    Miki Wang
    9 years, 10 months ago

    Hi! It’s already sold out your Kelsey 5×8?


    Andru Bemis
    9 years, 10 months ago

    Yes it has sold. Sorry ’bout that, Miki.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
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