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  • Jennifer Weisgerber
    14 years, 4 months ago

    Hi all!

    I wonder if some of you might be willing to share some tips on the best way to photograph a piece to demonstrate the impression.  I find that if I have the subject lit from the side, under a somewhat diffuse light, that the impression shows fairly well.  However, the rest of the image is dark when photographed in this manner.  I can’t seem to find a good balance between showing both the impression and the overall image.  Any tips are greatly appreciated.

    davina farinola
    14 years, 3 months ago

    I did a little experimenting on the weekend and found if they were vertical (Or just about) rather than laying flat, with a bright sun above but slightly behind the artwork (ie not at noon mayb 10am or 2pm) otherwise, if you’re not from such a sunny place strong lighting slightly behind vertical artwork could work too.

    Kristine Jubeck
    14 years, 1 month ago

    I wait for a sunny day and shoot my cards next my southeast-facing window. You want the card to be nearly parallel to the direction the light is coming from, this gives the greatest amount of emphasis on the texture and impression. I use something small like a votive candle holder to prop the card up.


    I’ve also found that extreme close-ups, and dramatic angles cropping out much of the card, while perhaps counter-intuitive, are the best way show off the texture.


    Examples: and


    Definitely be sure you have the macro setting turned on, you’ll need it for clear focus on close-up subjects.

    Angela R. Stewart
    13 years, 10 months ago

    I often take my work outside — mid day on days when the lights not too strong and standing them up is best, the flat doesn’t show the impression very well.

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