I print out of the San Francisco Center for the Book (sfcb.org) and they have a plate making machine. I’ll try to give a quick over view so hope it makes sense.It involves starting with having the design put on film (clear area is the design, the rest is black). I have a printing place that does this for me, for about $15. Then at the center, I place it and the plate material in a box that seals and then a light exposes the film to the light. After that there is a special cleaning machine, that basically lightly brushes off the non-exposed areas. The plate then goes back into the light machine, and it hardens the polymer even more. That’s basically it. No chemicals besides what’s on the plate, but similar to developing photographs.On the other hand, since my time is limited, I go to a local guy to get mine made, they don’t cost too much more.let us know what you decide to do.