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  • Aubrey Cavazos
    13 years, 1 month ago

    I am just beginning… purchased my first press this month a 6×10 Kelsey… Im thinking that the start up would be cheaper for me to get the boxcar base and use the photopolymer plates… I live near San Antonio texas and am having an incredibly hard time finding anyone near that holds workshops or sells supplies. Does anyone know a good place (even via internet) to buy supplies? Im also looking for some videos to help demonstrate some processes. I basically need everything! lol any help would be appreciated! (ps im looking to establish some connections with some people if you’d like to email me please feel free to do so aubrey.cavazos[@] 

    Denise Newberry
    13 years, 1 month ago

    The Boxcar website should get you started! Enjoy + happy printing.

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