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  • Bunny Bear Press
    13 years, 8 months ago

    Sorry here is another should I buy this press post. I found this press and I am wondering if I should purchase it. I know nothing about what to look for as far as good condition/working order. This press has been entirely painted black, including the chase, the screws that hold the rollers in place (I dont know what these are called) and the platen. Would painting these item effect perfomance?


    I will post an image of the press below.


    Thank you all for helping me out with my very first press purchase!



    Camille Robin
    13 years, 8 months ago


    It looks to be a nice press. I don’t see rollers, trucks, grippers, or gripper rod assembly. Do you have any more photos? The paint should be okay, on the platen could be of concern…it might chip off and cause unlevel areas, the thickness of the paint will definitely change the height of your .918 type high base/type/cut. “The screws” are roller hooks with a spring, nut and cotter pin on them, they look good. You will probably need to put  more $$ for missing items, other sundries you need to print, and your time getting to know your press and how to adjust it. Kelsey’s are very nice presses. You will also want to mount any table top press to a board or work bench. Good luck on your search!

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