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  • Jill Traycoff
    13 years, 8 months ago

    Hi! I am overly interested in taking a private lesson from someone with a tabletop letterpress. I would like to learn how to clean, lubricate, make prints, use metal/wood type, create photopolymer plates, use poly plates, how to adjust impression deepness and any further advice that would be helpful to a beginner printer. I plan on purchasing a C&P pilot in the next 2 years and am willing to compensate for your time and expertise. I am familiar with vandercooks; I just want futher instruction on a tabletop platen. I am in the Chicago/Indiana area and am willing to travel (not that far though). Please let me know if you are at all interested in earning a few extra dollars.Thank you so much!



    Kelly – Paper Stories
    13 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Jill

    I am in the Chicago area and could teach you.  I have a tabletop as well as a floor platen.  Feel free to shoot me an email if interested hello(at)paperstories(dot)com.  There are also many places around Chicago that you could take classes if you are more interested in a group environment.  

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