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  • Madeline Helland
    4 years, 5 months ago

    The International Printing Museum’s annual Los Angeles Printers Fair is going virtual!

    As much as everyone loves our in-person Printers Fair each year, we need to prioritize the health and safety of our visitors, vendors, and volunteers. So for this year, the fair will be held virtually.

    THE GOOD NEWS: instead of just a two day event, the
    will take place for the entire month of November and will now be open to a national audience!

    The Fair will include…

    • A dedicated website with an online marketplace

    • Social Media daily features and posts

    • Special sales promotions such as “Black Ink Friday” after Thanksgiving

    • A downloadable show guide

    • Various levels of Keepsake Packages for sale

    • At home activities and tutorials such as how to make paper or bind a book

    • Museum Video Demonstrations and Museum Tours

    • Virtual weekly raffles

    • On-site Surplus Type & Press Sales at the Printing Museum in the parking lot

    • A drive-in printing-themed movie night in Museum parking lot

    • much more!

    More Details at

    We will be releasing new content and videos EVERY DAY. Don’t miss out on all the fun! Opt into a daily e-mail for all our releases and featured vendors of the day or a weekly e-mail that summarizes all the releases of the week!

    E-mails will start Saturday November 1 and end Monday November 30. To sign up visit

    To become a vendor visit

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