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  • Susan Carter Morgan
    9 years ago

    Wow, Camille. I am floored by all the wonderful pieces included in the LOL print exchange. It arrived today, and I can’t stop looking at everything. Thank you so much, and to Kseniya, too, for compiling and shipping this. A huge task– and I so appreciate being a part of the project. Thank you!

    Kseniya Thomas
    9 years ago

    I did nothing but make the package late by waiting till the very last minute to print mine, ha! I can’t wait to see what everyone made. Big thanks to Camille for organizing this and spending so much time on it!

    Camille Robin
    9 years ago

    Thank you for your contribution to make this swap successful! FYI

    ?Desiderata? (Latin: ?desired things?) is a prose poem written in 1927 by American writer Max Ehrmann (1872-1945).  I have included two copies so that you may give one to a friend. The presentation folder was printed, diecut, and creased on a 12×18 NS C&P handfeed. The ink used is oil base PMS 415.  The magnesium printing die was ordered from Advance Corporation in Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Ksenyia provided the artwork for the LoLP die.

    I have a few left to send out…the members located internationally and Ksenyia’s; because they need extra care for shipping. 

    Arie Koelewyn
    9 years ago

    Mine arrived yesterday. Making it a Good Mail Day. While the snow built up to 12 inches I ignored it and spent a very fun 2 hours perusing the contents. Some mighty fine printing.

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