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  • Shayna Norwood
    3 years, 6 months ago

    The sad day has come for me to sell my Vandercook SP-15, and I would love for it to go to a good home.

    I’ve owned the press for 10 years and it has been a huge part of my business journey. I was using it very regularly through 2018 up until I stopped doing wedding invitations. It has barely gotten any use since. It had a full tune-up with Paul Moxon near the end of 2012.

    I’m asking $13,000 – Would need to move it out of my Chicago print shop.

    It’s a really great press, and I’m so sad to see it go. I’d love for it to go somewhere she will be well taken care of, loved and used on a more regular basis. I’m not in a huge rush, but would love to pass her on in the next month or so.

    Serial Number: 22333 / 700 lbs

    The SP15, notable for its lightweight design, is a member of the “Simple Precision” series. It was specifically designed to print repro proofs from metal type forms on specially formulated paper, which were then used to make photo-litho plates for offset printing. Unlike earlier Vandercook models, the impression cylinder is automatically in print mode when at the feed board, thus there is no movement of the eccentric during the forward carriage travel unless it is manually shifted into trip mode. The SP15 features the “quick change” rollers introduced with the Universal series. The gripper bar (simpler and lighter than earlier models) is the same style found on later Universals. Power ink distribution and an automatic wash up unit was standard, but a non-motorized variant, with a hand wheel mounted on the front form roller, was also available. Maximum form: 14¾ × 20″; maximum sheet: 14 × 18″.

    contact: shayna(a)steelpetalpress(.)com

    Judith Moldenhauer
    3 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Shayna,

    I am in the Detroit area (I teach at Wayne State University) and am looking for a SP-15; there is a possibility of one available in the Detroit area, but I am also seeing if there are SP-15s available elsewhere. Is yours still for sale? An architect friend is building me a modest letterpress studio in my side yard – and the SP-15 is the press I want for it. The studio should be ready by May 2022.

    Do you have a time frame for getting the press moved?

    Where in Chicago are you? I’m from the Chicago area – born in Oak Park, lived in Brookfield, Franklin Park, and Hinsdale – and still have friends and family there.

    You can e-mail at or by cell phone at 24-884-0597.


    Judith Moldenhauer

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