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Ladies of Letterpress

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  • @melanie Hi Melanie!
    Well thank you for your kind words! I’m glad we’re friends now! I really like your work as well and I like your quote about killing one digital flat piece at a time! hehe My motto exactly! I actually just purchased my first press (I’ve been using my ama mater’s facilities and friends’) this weekend, so I’m excited to get…[Read more]

  • I’m so excited for this! I’ve already booked my hotel, borrowing a friend’s truck, and I’m ready to come up and see what’s available! Thanks for posting this on here or I never would have known about it! 🙂

  • @stephaniecolestock Hi Stephanie!
    Not a problem! I understand being busy! As you can see, it took me a week to get back to comment. No worries! I looked up your website and your work is awesome! I really liked the card “Orange you glad we’re friends!” Adorable! Since you like my work so much, if you’re ever looking to add another body to your…[Read more]

  • @stephaniecolestock Hi Stephanie!
    Not a problem! I understand being busy! As you can see, it took me a week to get back to comment. No worries! I looked up your website and your work is awesome! I really liked the card “Orange you glad we’re friends!” Adorable! Since you like my work so much, if you’re ever looking to add another body to your…[Read more]

  • @jennyel-shamy Hoopoe Press! What does it mean? I’m so intrigued!

  • @jennyel-shamy Yay! I’m so glad you decided to join! This site is awesome! You especially need to be on this site now that you own that beautiful press! You’ve received it, haven’t you?

Abigail Steinem

Profile picture of Abigail Steinem


Active 7 years, 10 months ago