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Ladies of Letterpress

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Abigail Steinem




Bloomington, IN



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Make/model of press(es)?

Own: A Sigwalt named Walter. Can print on: Vandercook SP-15, Vandercook #4, Universal 3, 325G

Press or Business Name

No. 3 Press

Printing for How Long?

6 years

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?

Bookbinding, graphic design (branding, identity, packaging, environmental, book cover), silkscreening, logistical guru, and a sparkling personality!

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Not Yet


My name is Abigail Steinem and I am a graphic designer and letterpress is my passion. I’m currently doing the corporate job, but I desperately want to get back to letterpress printing. I do not own my own shop, but it’s in my future. In college I was that kid that practically slept in the letterpress studio, trying to learn any and everything I could and print anything that popped into my head. Years later now, I still have good connections with my college shop and I print wedding invitations along with always getting together with printing friends to roll out beautiful holiday cards.I know how to run maintenance on a Vandercook SP-15 with my eyes closed and can make photopolymer plates with the best of them. I also know how to maintain and run a shop (I ran the university shop for over a year).I’m looking to get a little more experience on a platen press and any press, for that matter, that I haven’t worked on before.I’m also looking to join a letterpress studio. So if you’re looking to add to your team or studio, I’d love to talk further!I also just purchased my first press! A table tope Sigwalt named Walter! Very excited to get started printing some awesome things out of my apartment! Yay!


Abigail Steinem

Profile picture of Abigail Steinem


Active 7 years, 9 months ago