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Ladies of Letterpress

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Alan W. Runfeldt




Frenchtown, NJ



ZIP Code (if applicable)





Make/model of press(es)?

Excelsior Press

Press or Business Name

Printing for How Long?

54 presses – from 2×3 Baltimore to Heidelberg Windmills – plus Vandercooks

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?

Tutoring new printers.Servicing & Restoring letterpress equipment.Supplying printers with hard-to-find items – and commonly-needed supplies in small quantitiesCasting Custom Ink Rollers

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Contact Me for Details


I’ve been printing since I was a boy. Got my first Excelsior Press when I was 12, moved on to my first 8×12 C&P when I was 14 – in 1964.Now I’m an old man who really enjoys sharing the skills and craft of letterpress printing with the new generation. These kids are great and it gives me a lot of pleasure to see the joy on their faces when they do their first print.Many of your members have already been my students and come to my for assistance with various letterpress printing problems.And I really do have 54 presses in the shop right now, about half in the permanent museum collection, the rest waiting to be repaired or restored.I think Ladies of Letterpress is a great idea and I applaud your efforts. Many of my friends attended your recent conference – and all said that I should have been there too.Oh, if I only had the time and energy to do all of the things I would like to do…Perhaps it is time to take on some part-time apprentices. I trained my entire staff when I ran a 7-person shop, and have trained many others in the basics during the past 5 years or so.I could use some help; there is always type to sort and presses to clean and printing projects I just can’t find the time for.And, I believe that I do have a lot to offer – to the right person(s) – on a limited time basis…OK. ’nuff rambling. Time to go sort some type and do some printing…- Alan

Alan W. Runfeldt

Profile picture of Alan W. Runfeldt


Active 7 years, 9 months ago