Allison Chapman started the topic Wood Type for Sale in the forum Classifieds 7 years ago
After 22 years of collecting Letterpress equipment I finally have a sense of what I use most frequently.
I am selling LOTS of things. I have eBay listings that will begin expiring on Sunday for wood type, composing sticks and other goodies.
(My seller name is adc_abc)I will also be holding a sale at Igloo Letterpress on Friday the 14th…[Read more]
Allison Chapman replied to the topic Workshops in the forum Business Matters 10 years ago
Hi! We offer classes at Igloo. We are in Columbus, Ohio.
Allison Chapman replied to the topic custom binding question….. in the forum Business Matters 15 years ago
I do something similar to Kelly. I have an initial “research and development” or “prototype” fee that is hourly. There is usually a little back and forth with the client about how many hours we can agree on due to the complexity of the project.Then, a per piece cost is determined and production commences.best wishes -Allison