Allison Chapman started the topic Wood Type for Sale in the forum Classifieds 6 years, 6 months ago
After 22 years of collecting Letterpress equipment I finally have a sense of what I use most frequently. 😂
I am selling LOTS of things. I have eBay listings that will begin expiring on Sunday for wood type, composing sticks and other goodies.
(My seller name is adc_abc)I will also be holding a sale at Igloo Letterpress on Friday the 14th…[Read more]
Allison Chapman replied to the topic Workshops in the forum Business Matters 9 years, 11 months ago
Hi! We offer classes at Igloo. We are in Columbus, Ohio.
Allison Chapman replied to the topic custom binding question….. in the forum Business Matters 15 years, 5 months ago
I do something similar to Kelly. I have an initial “research and development” or “prototype” fee that is hourly. There is usually a little back and forth with the client about how many hours we can agree on due to the complexity of the project.Then, a per piece cost is determined and production commences.best wishes -Allison