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Making artists’ books
Bio |
Angie Butler works predominantly in artists? books, often using letterpress as a method of production, publishing under the press name, ABPress (Previously Pet Galerie Press).She is currently studying for a PhD. investigating letterpress printing within artists’ books practice at The University Of The West Of England, Bristol, UK.Angie?s project examines how we learn to design and create artists? books through letterpress. To gain an understanding of how contemporary book artists teaching letterpress printing has influenced what is produced in the field, and how this relates back into studio and private press practice. Letterpress is usually discussed in relation to graphic design and typography, not book arts practice, or via the relationship of craft to art in the use of materials, experimental process, concept and aesthetic. Being a traditional, tangible process, letterpress offers many possibilities for developing creative ideas, underpinned by practical skills. The particular nature of the artist?s book as sequential narrative presented in an intimate environment can be developed through investigating letterpress as a form of creative, interactive printmaking.