Ashley E. Hurst replied to the topic Paper Cutting Tips in the forum Supplies and Sources 13 years, 4 months ago
I was also going to suggest a paper guillotine, but Amanda beat me to it! I would advise getting a paper-cutter with either a curved blade (like this: http://www.amazon.com/Swingline-ClassicCut-Ingento-Guillotine-Trimm…) or ones with a rotary blade (http://www.amazon.com/12210-Bidex-heavy-duty-rotary-trimmer/dp/B000…) that you swipe back and…[Read more]
Ashley E. Hurst replied to the topic inexpensive letterpress ideas in the forum Supplies and Sources 13 years, 4 months ago
I think two tons of pressure would be a bit overkill for letterpress! Pulling an impression doesn’t require all that much pressure. The heavy debossing you see on most letterpress printed objects is actually a fairly modern trend, and most older letterpress printing presses needed to be adjusted in order to achieve this effect! I’m sorry I can’t…[Read more]
Ashley E. Hurst replied to the topic Paper Cutting Tips in the forum Supplies and Sources 13 years, 4 months ago
Are you looking to cut straight edges or do die-cuts?