Cindi Pedersen replied to the topic Edge Coloring? in the forum Design Side 12 years, 1 month ago
There is a good video from Crane: Hand-bordering Stationery at Crane & Co.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bClJvo4jro
Cindi Pedersen replied to the topic Double Grip Gauge or Quad Gauges in the forum Press Troubleshooting, Tips, and Help 12 years, 2 months ago
I like Henry Compressible Gage pin from NA Graphics. They are designed to be used with photopolymer plates. Before I discovered them, I made my own using 3M Double Sided Foam Tape and a section of transparency sheet.
Cindi Pedersen replied to the topic Best way to clean type. in the forum Conference 13 years ago
I have used a ?Sonic Wave Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Cleaning Machine CD-2800? to clean type. I was hoping it would just wash the type but it took too many runs through the machine to clean and most of my type really needed a degreaser to remove all the grime. So I added the follow steps and had fabulous success.
- Soak the type in Simple green or…
Cindi Pedersen replied to the topic Ink is very 'tacky'…and not in a bad taste sort of way in the forum Supplies and Sources 13 years, 6 months ago
My black rubber ink is very tacky and I use Gans Rubber Base Reducer. it works great. I think VanSon also sells a version. cheers, cindi
Cindi Pedersen replied to the topic Cleaning Rubber Based Ink off Press, Or "How I Wanted to Quit Printing Before I Even Started" in the forum Design Side 13 years, 7 months ago
If you have too much ink on your press one of the tricks to remove ink is too put a piece of paper on the disc and run the roller over it. I use this technique at the end of a run to get as much ink off as possible before cleaning to minimize chemicals. I use paper from the recycle bin at work which once the ink has dried it can still be r…[Read more]