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Ladies of Letterpress

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Cy McQuigg







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Make/model of press(es)?

1923 C&P NS 10 x 15 press, Craftool 14 x 24 roller press, Signpress Masterprinter proof press 14 x 24

Press or Business Name

Cy McQuigg ‘Goldie’s Underground Press’

Printing for How Long?

Many decades

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Not Yet


I have always loved making multiples. I began with learning how to operate the Mimeograph machine in middle school followed by learning etching, lithograph and the photocopier in college art school. 14 years ago I bought my Signpress Masterprinter. Since then I have acquired complete sets of ATF metal foundry type ranging from 10 pt – 18 pt. My favorite newer metal foundry type is the iconic Bruce Rogers ‘Centaur.’ This year I was gifted both a Craftool roller press and a 1923 C&P NS 10 x 15 press.  I am currently matriculated in a community college printmaking course to relearn the proper operation of the etching press which is not dissimilar from my Craftool Rollerpress. I have not put the C&P to work yet as I am cleaning it and she needs new trucks and rollers. I am fortunate to have mentors near!

Cy McQuigg

Profile picture of Cy McQuigg


Active 5 months, 1 week ago