Hi Karly,
Not sure this is quite what you want but here is my experience.
I decided to make a traveling kit for a 3×5 Kelsey. I got a big plastic box on wheels, the kind you see at airports, that pro photographers use. It is much more protective than the wheeled craft or sewing machine carts. I got it used on ebay. I rearranged the foam (some include industrial foam, some don’t) to pack the press really well, and made little areas for ink, cleaners, chases, etc. It is very heavy, but I don’t worry about cracking the cast iron.
I have also seen a custom-made locking-wheeled wooden box. The press, attached to a base, goes straight down into the box for moving. You can also use the box as a low platform (kids can reach it better) if the wood and design of the lid is strong enough. If the locking wheels are industrial-grade, not craft grade, they are very stable (look for weight ratings). I’m just not handy for making something like that.
In my studio I have ULine industrial wire shelving with 5in locking wheels, 36in poles. It is very easy to move my Pilot on its 24x24in shelf, set to the perfect height for me. Also not cheap, but I have to be able to move things around.
Good luck! -Dee