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Ladies of Letterpress

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Mara Fulmer




Atlas, Michigan


United States

ZIP Code (if applicable)


Make/model of press(es)?

Kelsey excelsior 6×10

Kelsey 5×8

Vandercook #0 proofing press

Potter proofing press

Poco No. 0 proofing press

C&P under restoration up to 12×18

C&P under restoration up to 8×12

Coming soon – Vandercook No. 4

Coming soon – C&P 8×12

Press or Business Name

Rabbit Hole Press

Printing for How Long?

Still a newb

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?

Graphic Design

Conceptual Book Arts

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Not Yet


Longtime graphic designer who has played with letterpress and other printing techniques for years but I’m just getting my own studio underway, having gathered equipment, and acquired some property that would work. I am particularly interested in experimental work with letterpress and look forward to learning from more experienced printers.

My website is mostly graphic design, digital and handmade book arts pieces. As I become more confident, I look forward to sharing more letterpress work.


Mara Fulmer

Profile picture of Mara Fulmer


Active 5 months, 1 week ago