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Ladies of Letterpress

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  • @kseniyathomas Kseniya,
    Thank you soo much for your kind note about my book. It means so much to get positive feed back from people who are working in the field and making it happen! I was so pleased when I talked to Eileen and she told me how much you liked it. I’d love to sell you one of the edition.
    I might also pick your brain in the n…[Read more]

  • @kseniyathomas I’m loving the whole book. Initially I was incredibly resistant to letterpress, mostly just because I was overwhelmed by the intensity and meticulousness of it all. Ironically, I felt bookbinding was less stressful. But now I am fully embracing both and enjoying it.

  • @kseniyathomas I am Kelly’s sister! How crazy is that?

    Alabama is wonderful. Well, I should say the program is wonderful. The culture and climate take some getting used to 🙂 Steve Miller and Anna Embree are amazing teachers and have been awesome to work closely with. My first year was really tough but it was amazing. I was really resistant to…[Read more]

  • @kseniyathomas Kseniya, thanks for welcoming me! I’m new to letterpress and it looks like this site will be a wonderful resource and learning tool.

    We live in such a small world. Are you Danny’s sister? I think we went to the same church in SLC. Christ United Methodist? I’m really good friends with the Vestal family…

Erin Morris

Profile picture of Erin Morris


Active 7 years, 10 months ago