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  • Kathryn Hunter
    6 years, 11 months ago

    I also just bought rollers from Advanced Rollers, you can get a quote at
    good luck!

    Kathryn Hunter
    9 years, 4 months ago

    When would the deadline be? I would be up for it!

    Kathryn Hunter
    12 years, 9 months ago


    That’s always a good debate. I still love the idea of not pushing my C&P too hard or Vandy for that matter. I try to do something in between. So you can see a an impression but not over punching it. Especially not so deep that the paper warps etc. It can be difficult to market that but if your design is good and your craftsmanship is excellent, I think most people will see the beauty of it. The conversation with them is always good. That probably didn’t help you with your question on how to market your products. Happy printing!


    Kathryn Hunter
    13 years, 4 months ago

    Hi, I print calligraphy a lot these days. And what I have found (and after talking to Boxcar about it as well) is, you want the calligrapher to send the artwork to you as a 600dpi bitmap tiff file (you can do this in Photoshop). Bitmap will make the file just black and white pixels so Boxcar can make a plate from that. 600 dpi will help it not be too pixelated. And by doing this and not tracing it in Illustrator you keep the hand written feel of it without making it so smooth and stylized as tracing can do. I have brought the tiff file into an Illustrator file that has other elements for the plate (that may be vector etc) and sized it etc. Since it is a bitmap you can leave it in that file and send the ai file to Boxcar like that. Not sure if that made sense. Let me know if you have questions. I’m happy to help.


    Kathryn Hunter
    13 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Thanks! I got some feedback on twitter and it worked. It’s all about InDesign, yes! I had made the files in AI and then just copied and pasted into InDesign, then exported to pdf. The file went down to 2mb which is perfect.

    Thanks for your response!


    Kathryn Hunter
    13 years, 11 months ago

    Hey Samantha,

    I don’t have a pilot but an 8×12 C&P. I take the rollers off first when cleaning up, one at a time, clean one then go to the next one. (not sure if it is the same on a pilot). Also I used to use mineral spirits or roller wash but now only use Soy-Solv (found at Daniel Smith online) It cleans amazingly and I don’t mind it on my hands (though you can always see what color I printed that day under my fingernails (; ). It can be greasy so use sparingly and I cut the grease a little with some denatured alcohol at the end. I used to hate cleaning, but with the soy solv, it’s a breeze.

    best of luck!!


    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Jen, I’ll take you up on the walk through when I get some.

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Joe! I’ll check them out. I am assuming they will be easy enough to figure out how to use? lock it up in my chase and go? ;)best,kathryn

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 6 months ago

    I’m sure this has been discussed before but, do you send your paper off to be duplexed? And where?thanks!

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Katie,I’ve never been able to get my local offset printer to print over 100# paper. They won’t touch Lettra, too cottony/textured and heavy they say.I’d love to hear if anyone has had luck with this.bestkathryn

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 6 months ago

    yep, maybe over inking or the rollers may not be quite at correct roller height.

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 6 months ago

    what’s your email address? i’ll take a pic when i’m in the printshop today. i know how it feels to hit a metal pin, they are so precious.

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, they love to design that way huh? I also have a C&P 8×12, and I have found the only way for full bleed is to print on oversize as you mentioned and cutting after. Or talking them out of a full bleed. 😉 If it’s not a solid bleed and prints to the edge of 3 sides (like an image of some sort), I use handmade registration paper “pins” taped at the bottom, so not as tall as my metal pins & the plate won’t affect them in printing. I’d also love to hear if anyone else has any other,kathryn

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 9 months ago

    Owosso Graphics,, they are in Michigan. for magnesium or copper plates.

    Kathryn Hunter
    14 years, 10 months ago

    so, i left a set of cards in one of the ecobags in the car for a couple of days and it seems to be fine. maybe it’s just when the bags are stacked together? i don’t know. i actually ordered the dang things again but may regret it. 😉

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 33 total)

Kathryn Hunter

Profile picture of Kathryn Hunter


Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago