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Jerry Kelly









Make/model of press(es)?

Chandler & Price and Vandercook

Press or Business Name

Kelly-Winterton Press

Printing for How Long?

40 years

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Not Yet


Jerry Kelly is a calligrapher, book designer, and type designer. His work has been honored numerous times, and his book designs have been selected more than thirty times for the AIGA “Fifty Books of the Year.” In 2015 he was presented with the 28th Goudy Award from RIT.
Kelly has served as Chairman of the American Printing History Association, President of The Typophiles, and an active member of several committees at The Grolier Club. He has written many articles as well as several books on calligraphy and typography, including The Noblest Roman: The Centaur Types (co-authored with Misha Beletsky; winner of the 2016 Bibliographical Society of America Prize).

Before starting his own business in 1998, Kelly was Vice President of The Stinehour Press, preceded by a decade as designer at A. Colish. He has taught at various institutions and has lectured widely.

Jerry Kelly

Profile picture of Jerry Kelly


Active 6 years, 4 months ago