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Ladies of Letterpress

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Laura Drapac & Dave Koen




Denton, TX



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Make/model of press(es)?

Kelsey Excelsior 5×8 clamshell, SignPress brand sign press, Blick 900 Series cylinder press,

Press or Business Name

Triple Threat Press

Printing for How Long?

Since 2011

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?

Design, design-for-print consultation, web design,design-for-web consultation, grommeting, creasing services up to 12″ wide.

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Contact Me for Details


Triple Threat Press is a letterpress, graphic design, and web design company based in Denton, Texas. We specialize in bridging the gap between traditional, letterpress printing and contemporary, computer-aided design.Laura Drapac’s printing career began in Athens, Ohio, where she studied both graphic design and printmaking at Ohio University. Upon graduating with her BFA in 2008, she worked for Apple Inc. full-time as a Creative Genius while applying for graduate school. After one year away from academia, Drapac returned to school as a graduate student in printmaking at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, where she was able to explore the graphic and tactile qualities of letterpress in her own work. She received her MFA in May of 2012, and now works as the Assistant to the Director at the Print Research Institute of North Texas, an independent artist, and the primary printer at Triple Threat Press.Always a hands-on learner, Dave Koen jumped head first into web design while still in high school. Simply put, his band needed a website and nobody else wanted to do it. The skills he learned quickly blossomed into a budding web design hobby. Also, around that time, he picked up a camera and started photographing everything from bands to buildings. His penchant for distilled design soon found its way into his photography, web and graphic design work. His motto is, “On paper, you start with nothing. In a camera, you start with everything. Both options are equally terrifying.” Dave is a graphic designer, web developer, and head record collector at Triple Threat Press.


Laura Drapac & Dave Koen

Profile picture of Laura Drapac & Dave Koen


Active 7 years, 9 months ago