Maggie Campbell started the topic Vandercook 4-T & Golding Official No. 4 for Sale in Brooklyn in the forum Classifieds 6 years, 7 months ago
I have two presses for sale, details below. Please be in touch with any questions. The Vandercook is currently in my studio on Bergen Street in Brooklyn, NY. A bit below ground floor, but there are no stairs, and there is a freight elevator. It is mounted on a pallet so it can be easily moved with a forklift, and I have movers I’d r…[Read more]
Maggie Campbell replied to the topic Potential Monthly Rental Letterpress Studio Space in Brooklyn in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 11 months ago
Tabling this for the moment…even the smallest cylinder press won’t fit through the door of the potential space, and we’d need to use cylinder presses for a co-op studio, so that just won’t do!
Maggie Campbell replied to the topic Potential Monthly Rental Letterpress Studio Space in Brooklyn in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 11 months ago
Awesome! That makes me very happy!
Maggie Campbell replied to the topic Potential Monthly Rental Letterpress Studio Space in Brooklyn in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 11 months ago
I did know about the conference, but not about that particular panel! I wish we could make it – we have 2 personal events 2 days in a row in completely different parts of the country right when it’s happening, though. Will there possibly be transcripts/video/audio available post-conference??