Maggie Campbell started the topic Vandercook 4-T & Golding Official No. 4 for Sale in Brooklyn in the forum Classifieds 6 years, 5 months ago
I have two presses for sale, details below. Please be in touch with any questions. The Vandercook is currently in my studio on Bergen Street in Brooklyn, NY. A bit below ground floor, but there are no stairs, and there is a freight elevator. It is mounted on a pallet so it can be easily moved with a forklift, and I have movers I’d r…[Read more]
Maggie Campbell replied to the topic Potential Monthly Rental Letterpress Studio Space in Brooklyn in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 9 months ago
Tabling this for the moment…even the smallest cylinder press won’t fit through the door of the potential space, and we’d need to use cylinder presses for a co-op studio, so that just won’t do!
Maggie Campbell replied to the topic Potential Monthly Rental Letterpress Studio Space in Brooklyn in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 9 months ago
Awesome! That makes me very happy!
Maggie Campbell replied to the topic Potential Monthly Rental Letterpress Studio Space in Brooklyn in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 9 months ago
I did know about the conference, but not about that particular panel! I wish we could make it – we have 2 personal events 2 days in a row in completely different parts of the country right when it’s happening, though. Will there possibly be transcripts/video/audio available post-conference??