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Ladies of Letterpress

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  • @margotcudmore Margot, I need your address. I can’t read it. Thanks, Camille

  • @margotcudmore I’m near Bathurst and Lawrence. I’m definitely up for taking some classes. Like I said I plan on signing up for a Vandercook Workshop that’s in Hamilton , so if you’re in T.O I can make it!

  • Marlaine posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago

    @margotcudmore That’s good to hear! I’m so looking forward to it 🙂

  • @margotcudmore Margot,

    Thanks for the message and for the support. I do need the encouragement right now as I was hoping that things would go better than they have. I’ll search the internet for more info on Margaret Lock and her class but if you do have a link or website you could refer me to I’d appreciate it.
    There’s a course I want to take in…[Read more]

  • Marlaine posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago

    @margotcudmore Hi Margot!
    I’m certain I’ll be needing a lot of time experimenting 🙂 I’m so excited, though [can you tell?!?]
    I’m taking a course with Margaret Lock in Kingston in June, I’m hoping that will give me a good understanding of what I’m going to be doing with my own press.
    Thanks for the contact for polymer plates! I remember Craig…[Read more]

Margot Cudmore

Profile picture of Margot Cudmore


Active 7 years ago