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Ladies of Letterpress

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MC Edwards




Poughkeepsie, NY



ZIP Code (if applicable)





Make/model of press(es)?

Kelsey 6×10

Press or Business Name

Letterpress Dreams

Printing for How Long?

20 years

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?

Book binding

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Not Yet


I’ve been a commercial artist since 1982, first in newspaper production, then art direction. As I developed my own artistic skills, I was drawn to printmaking. After moving to New York, I was introduced to the world of hand-papermaking, book binding and letterpress printing. In 1997, I started my first venture, D.H. Productions which, over time, became DHP Papermill & Press. For ten years I offered exquisite printed matter mainly to the bridal industry with my work regularly featured in magazines and books. I struggled with the fact that 98% of “my babies,” each invitation design was a little work of art, ended up in the trash. I decided to take a break and shut down my shop in Fall 2007. I have missed it, almost daily and my one regret in life so far was selling my Vandercook Model No. 4. In the Fall of 2015, I dove back in to printmaking with both feet. I specialize in limited-edition hand-prints — prints I hope will be showcased and enjoyed for many years!

MC Edwards

Profile picture of MC Edwards


Active 7 years, 10 months ago