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Ladies of Letterpress

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Rachelle W. Chuang




Aliso Viejo, CA



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Make/model of press(es)?

Rachelle W. Chuang Art & Design

Press or Business Name

Printing for How Long?

Two Vandercook 4's

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?

Education in Letterpress, Book Arts & PapermakingCreativity Consultant

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Contact Me for Details


Rachelle Woo Chuang is an artist, educator and creativity enthusiast. She dips into a varied palette which includes vision-casting, promoting, organizing, planning, networking, and connecting people, events and opportunities. In addition to her graphic design and seminary education from Biola University and Talbot Theological Seminary, she discovered hand papermaking and letterpress at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center and worked with Ellen Mears Kennedy while on the East Coast. In 2006 she received her MFA in Book Arts from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Currently Rachelle is a ?freeway flyer? adjunct instructor at Chapman University, Biola University, Irvine Valley College and Orange Coast College in the fine arts and graphic design department. She teaches book arts, papermaking and letterpress in multiple locations including the Cerritos Public Library and works in her own art studio in Laguna Beach. She has owned a Vandercook-20 and 15 but now owns a pair of Vandercook 4’s. She is published in “500 Handmade Books” and “Vandercook 100.” Volunteer activities include directing the annual Los Angeles Printers Fair at the International Printing Museum in Carson, CA. She is a member of San Diego Book Arts. She finds joy in beauty, creativity and empowering others.

Rachelle W. Chuang

Profile picture of Rachelle W. Chuang


Active 7 years, 10 months ago