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Ladies of Letterpress

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Rebecca Chamlee








Make/model of press(es)?

Vandercook 4

Press or Business Name

Pie In The Sky Press

Printing for How Long?

30 years

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?

hand bookbinding, graphic design

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Contact Me for Details


As a graphic design student at Otis/Parsons in the early eighties I was introduced to the letterpress and small edition books by my instructors and mentors Sheila de Bretteville, Susan King, Bruce Schnabel and Cynthia Marsh. A compelling interest and passion for books informs much of the work I have done as a professional designer.After graduation in 1985 I bought a Vandercook 4 and began producing limited-edition handbound letterpress books, broadsides and ephemera and Pie In The Sky Press was born. Printing and making small edition projects has always nourished my professional practice as a freelance graphic designer.Stories from my childhood and personal experience have been the subject matter for the majority of my work. Recently, I produced a book about my great grandfather told by my father in a Humanities term paper he wrote when he attended Claremont Men?s College in the ?50s. My most recent project is a departure from my earlier work, a collection of original poetry by Paul Vangelisti entitled Azusa: a sequel in an edition of 30.I currently teach letterpress printing and book binding classes in the BFA program at Otis College of Art and Design.


Rebecca Chamlee

Profile picture of Rebecca Chamlee


Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago