I haven’t bought the press yet. I am going to look at it in person tomorrow. I am really hoping I can get it, but the seller and I haven’t discussed a price and her ad said “make an offer”. I discovered it last week and asked her to let me know if anyone else expressed interest so I could look it sooner, but I haven’t heard from her, so I’m hoping I’m the only one who’s called her. If so, hopefully it will give me some more bargaining power.
I’d like to get it for the best price I can, but I also want to be fair. Do you have any suggestions about what a fair price would be?
Also, it comes with a motor (I don’t know if it works), but initially, I’d like to run it with a foot treadle. I heard that in order to operate with a food treadle you need to have a crank shaft. Is the shaft the only thing I should look for when trying to determine if I can use a treadle?
Thanks for your help. I was nervous before, but your and Elaine’s responses have made me excited!