Shauna Rue replied to the topic any one want to do a swap? in the forum Business Matters 10 years, 10 months ago
Hey Angela, Thank you for organizing this and fielding so many questions. And I have another one for you:Do we have a final number of participants or will there be a cut off date for people to participate? Any idea when we’ll have a final number? I think I need to order more tags (because it’s 6 per participant, right?) and I would like to p…[Read more]
Shauna Rue replied to the topic any one want to do a swap? in the forum Business Matters 10 years, 10 months ago
Ooh, I like the note cards with gift tags. Every time I need a gift tag I add printing them to my to do list…so this will force me to finally do it! Just as an FYI, I am going on ‘maternity leave’ (i.e. I will just be too big to print!) in mid-June. Happy to send my submission in before then, but will just need to have an idea of numbers. (I…[Read more]
Shauna Rue replied to the topic any one want to do a swap? in the forum Business Matters 11 years, 1 month ago
I’m in!Not sure the ‘rules’ but I am changing my company name next month to Happy & Rue. Would love the R, if possible.
Shauna Rue replied to the topic Did I just crash the party? in the forum News and Announcements 11 years, 11 months ago
Welcome to the party, Bryan!
Shauna Rue replied to the topic I am in need of a LETTERPRESSED Wedding Invite in the forum Business Matters 13 years, 5 months ago
Hi Alexis, I’d be happy to share more information about my shop & pricing. If you still need a printer, please email me atshaunarue@purpleinkpress.com.Thanks!Shauna
Shauna Rue replied to the topic Ink is very 'tacky'…and not in a bad taste sort of way in the forum Supplies and Sources 13 years, 6 months ago
Hi Cindi, Thanks! I will definitely have to try some. I started searching, but quickly grew overwhelmed b/c I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for. Thanks, Shauna
Shauna Rue replied to the topic Coaster sources, and wetting them first? in the forum Supplies and Sources 13 years, 6 months ago
Chris, I have ordered pre-cut coasters from Holyoke Fine Papers (out of western MA): http://www.holyokedirect.com I print on their 140# all the time and love it; of course I haven’t gotten around to the coasters yet…