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Ladies of Letterpress

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The Old Shebang




Aro Valley, Wellington


New Zealand


Make/model of press(es)?

Adana 8×5

Press or Business Name

The Old Shebang

Services Offered in Addition to Letterpress?


  • Provide a studio to work on personal and collaborative publishing projects requiring specialised letterpress equipment.

  • Engage the public in live demonstrations of the letterpress process through our shopfront.

  • Invite the public to learn the process of letterpress publishing through workshops focused on each aspect of production in a series called Book School.

  • Provide a space for local artists to exhibit and retail their work (privileging letterpress and printmaking).

Apprentices or Interns Welcome?

Contact Me for Details


The Old Shebang is bringing the most radical technology in human history, letterpress printing, back to the local community this summer.

The Old Shebang is part of the worldwide movement revitalizing letterpress as a beautiful, relevant and vital link to the history of knowledge and communications. We respect the craft developed over centuries and are committed to that body of experience. However, we are unafraid of embracing new opportunities provided by new technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting, following the example of Wai-te-ata Press.


The Old Shebang

Profile picture of The Old Shebang


Active 6 years, 3 months ago